About Us
What Do We Do?
International Delegations
YDC recruits, prepares, and sends delegations of young leaders in Canada to international summits and multilateral fora.
YDC offers advocacy opportunities to delegates and alumni through speaking roles at various events, meetings with high level stakeholders, and written pieces (op-eds, blog posts, articles, position papers).
What Makes Us Different?
Youth Inclusion
YDC targets youth between the ages of 18- 30 who are passionate leaders and change-makers in their own communities. We intentionally identifies groups in Canada who are underrepresented on the global stage such as: people from the First Nations, Inuit, Métis, LGBTQ2A+ communities; BIPOC communities, youth between the ages of 18 and 21; and people from rural areas, the Atlantic, Prairies, and territories.
For Youth, By Youth
YDC is a national organization run entirely by youth volunteers for young leaders in Canada.