YDC Sends Young Canadians Leaders to Participate in the 2021 UNHLPF

Young Diplomats of Canada (YDC) is excited to announce the selection of a delegation of four of Canada's brightest young leaders to attend the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (UN HLPF). In light of COVID-19, this year’s UN HLPF will take place online from July 6th to 15th 2021.

The YDC 2021 UN HLPF delegates are as follows:

  • Winter Dawn Lipscombe, Head Delegate

  • Réanne Cooper, Communications Coordinator

  • Alicia Richins, Engagement Coordinator

  • Amal El-Jabali, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator

The UN HLPF delegation this year comprises an incredibly diverse group of young people from Ontario and Nova Scotia all the way to Lebanon - between the four of them, they represent francophone, Indigenous, minority ethnic and black young people.

It is incredibly important that youth has a seat at the table in policy making and advocacy. The delegation will be taking with them the importance of youth at the forefront of the 2030 Agenda and in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across their communities and provinces all over Canada as well as the youth impact on sustainable development on the international level.

The UN HLPF delegation wants to make sure that Canadian young people are represented on the global stage, and wants to push for inclusive measures that address domestic and global issues covered by this year’s Forum:

  • SDG 1 - No poverty

  • SDG 2 - Zero hunger, food security

  • SDG 3 - Good health and well-being

  • SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

  • SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

  • SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production

  • SDG 13 - Climate action

  • SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the SDGs

These priorities provide for policy recommendations to be developed with a youth-centric perspective.

“The SDG 2030 Agenda is an aspirational framework and powerful in the way it facilitates collaboration between multiple stakeholders, such as civil society, government, private sector, and individuals. Young people have an opportunity to think big and influence how we achieve the SDGs within localized, national and international levels” said Head Delegate, Winter Dawn Lipscombe. “Achieving the SDG 2030 Agenda requires multigenerational knowledge and experiences to innovate creative solutions and develop policies and best-practices that set countries up for success both nationally and globally. Even more importantly, the work doesn’t stop with 2030, we need to look at how we sustain the achievement of the SDGs and continue to improve.”

Delegates were selected from a competitive pool of applicants after a rigorous national competition. Biographical info on YDC’s Delegates to the 2021 UN HLPF is accessible here.

Directly engaging global leaders in government and civil society provides an opportunity for the incorporation of youth perspectives within the highest levels of global governance. 

Delegates will be providing an inside look at the 2021 UN HLPF and coverage of their engagements through YDC social media channels. You can follow the delegation's live updates via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

To learn more about the YDC Delegation to the 2021 UN HLPF or to schedule media engagements with the delegates, please contact:

Marissa Fortune

Program Coordinator - Coordinatrice des programmes

Young Diplomats of Canada - Jeunes diplomates du Canada



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