Young Diplomats of Canada Announces Canada’s Delegation to the 2022 Youth G20 Summit in Indonesia

Young Diplomats of Canada (YDC) is proud to announce Canada’s delegation to attend the 2022 Youth G20 (Y20) Summit hosted by Indonesia in the cities of Jakarta and Bandung from July 17th to 23rd. The Summit will bring together youth delegates from all G20 member countries, the European Union, and observer organizations to discuss and form policy recommendations. For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Y20 Summit will be held in person. The Y20 Summit includes the negotiation and formation of a Y20 Communiqué that will inform the production of the G20 Leaders Declaration and advance the youth agenda across G20 countries.

The purpose of the Y20 is to ensure that the decisions and agreements made by Ministers and leaders of the G20 fully reflect the needs and views of young people. It is a unique opportunity for the youth voice to be heard at the highest levels of international decision making. Every year, Young Diplomats of Canada recruits young leaders from across the nation to represent Canada at the Y20 and Y7 Summits. 

In January, four delegates were selected from a competitive pool of applicants after a rigorous national competition. Biographical info on YDC’s delegates to the 2022 Y20 Summit is accessible here. The YDC 2022 Y20 Delegates are as follows:

  • Sameer Esmail, Head Delegate;

  • Brandon Nguyen, Communications Coordinator;

  • Olivier Li, Engagement Coordinator; and

  • Jodi-Ann Wang, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator

Over the past few months, the Y20 delegation completed a youth survey, consultations with several youth organizations, and meetings with key industry stakeholders. They have used what they heard to inform policy discussions on key issues affecting young people ahead of this summit. Some key government stakeholders for this year’s Y20 delegation included Canada’s Minister for Women, Gender Equality and Youth, Canadian Senators, the Prime Minister’s Youth Council, and Global Affairs Canada staff that steer Canada’s participation in the G20. 

This year's Y20 Summit will focus on four policy priority areas:

  • Youth Employment, represented by Olivier Li;

  • Digital Transformation, represented by Sameer Esmail;

  • Sustainable and Livable Planet, represented by Jodi-Ann Wang; and

  • Diversity & Inclusion, represented by Brandon Nguyen.

“Youth and their ideas need to be in every conversation where leaders make decisions that determine the future of the world we live in. As we face challenges from new wars to climate disasters, the bold ideas of young people on reforms in digitalization, sustainability, innovation, employment, and education can help leaders meet this moment. We also recognize that the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and citizen participation are crucial to the success of these ideas in Canada and around the world.” - Sameer Esmail, Head Delegate


Young Diplomats of Canada  

Young Diplomats of Canada is a national, non-profit, youth-led organization that promotes the leadership of young Canadians on the world stage through international delegations, research projects, and advocacy initiatives.


Between July 17th and 23rd, the Delegates will provide an inside look at the 2022 Y20 Summit through YDC social media channels. You can follow the delegation's live updates via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

To learn more about the YDC Delegation to the 2022 Y20 Summit:


Sameer Esmail

Head Delegate, Y20 Delegation


Announcing YDC’s 2022 Youth Delegation to the World Trade Organization Public Forum


A Reflection on Seven Years at YDC